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808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode ليزر مستقل وار هٽائڻ واري مشين

مختصر وضاحت:

پيداوار سيريز 808nm ڊيوڊ ليزر
ماڊل نالو 808 پيارا
علاج جو انتظام FH-05
توانائي جي کثافت 3-220J/cm²
پلس ويڪر 3-300ms
جڳھ جي ماپ 12*23mm²
ليزر جو ذريعو پاور 1200W
مشين جي طاقت 2200W
موج 808nm
تعدد 1-10
کولڻ جو طريقو سيمي ڪنڊڪٽر کولنگ، ايئر کولنگ ۽ واٽر کولنگ
سرٽيفڪيٽ US FDA + Med CE
برانڊ جو نالو هانڪون
پيڪيج جا تفصيل 75*50*85CM، 55KGS

پيداوار جي تفصيل

پراڊڪٽ ٽيگ

ليزر وار هٽائڻ جي علاج جو نظريو

808nm diode ليزر جي موثر دخول جي کوٽائي ٽارگيٽ ٽشو Dermal papilla تائين پهچي سگهي ٿو.ھدف جي مناسب نبض جي مدت ڪافي گرمي نقصان آھي ۽ ڀرپاسي جي نسب کي مشڪل سان متاثر ڪيو ويندو آھي.ھدف واري ٽشو کي نقصان پهچائڻ لاء ڪافي توانائي جي پيداوار مهيا ڪريو ۽ عام بافتو تقريبا غير متاثر ٿيل آھي.چمڙي جي حفاظت جا قدم ڪافي حدف ٽشو نقصان جي ضمانت ڏيڻ لاء.علاج جي حفاظت کي يقيني بڻائڻ لاء.گھٽ توانائي جي کثافت واري موڊ جي تحت، وار follicles کي 75 ℃ تائين گرم ڪيو ويو ۽ وار follicle ۽ ترقي واري اسٽيم سيلز کي علاج جي هٿ ۽ وار follicles (10hz رياست) جي سلائيڊنگ سار سنڀال جي ذريعي ترقي جي سرگرمي کان محروم ڪيو ويو.
طاقتور اپ گريڊ وڌيڪ محفوظ، تيز، بي درد، موثر آهن، هي توهان جي پسنديده وار هٽائڻ وارو اوزار آهي.
ليزر چونڊيل طور تي بال جي ٻوٽي ۾ ميلانين تي ڪم ڪري ٿو، جيڪو بال جي گرم ۾ جراثيم واري علائقي کي تباهه ڪري ٿو.
قدرتي وار شيڊنگ، وار ختم ڪرڻ جو مقصد حاصل ڪرڻ لاء.
ڪوليجن جي بحالي کي متحرڪ ڪريو، سوراخ کي گھٽايو، چمڙي کي هڪ ئي وقت ۾ تنگ ڪريو.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.

تفصيل ڏيکاريندي مشين، ھٿ ۽ ڊسپلي

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.


Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.

خاصيتون ۽ فائدا

1. ليزر پاور 1200W تائين
808 ڊيوڊ ليزر خوبصورتي مشين، 1200W اعلي طاقت، تنگ نبض جي چوٽي، الٽرا آئس وار هٽائڻ، تيز رفتار ۽ درست.جرمني ليزر جو ذريعو.اعلي توانائي ۽ ڊگهي زندگي جي مدت. (50 ملين شاٽ کان وڌيڪ) 6 سال، ڪو مسئلو ناهي.

808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine

2. وڏي جاءِ، اونهي دخول
808 پياري وڏي جڳهه جي سائيز (12mm * 23mm) ڊيپ ليزر جي دخل وڌيڪ محفوظ وار هٽائڻ واري اثر کي يقيني بڻائي ٿي. جسم جي وار هٽائڻ لاءِ وڏو هينڊل، تيز ۽ ڪارائتو،
3. جديد مائڪرو چينل ٽيڪنالاجي کي اپنائڻ
مائيڪرو چينل ٽيڪنالاجي سان سڀ کان وڌيڪ قيمتي پورٽبل وار هٽائڻ وارو سامان سڄي دنيا ۾ ڊيوڊ ليزر فريزنگ بي درد وار هٽائڻ جو احساس ڪري ٿو.
4. پورٽبل آسان
طاقتور مائڪرو چينل ٽيڪنالاجي سان ٽيني ۽ پورٽبل ڊيوڊ ليزر وار هٽائڻ واري مشين ٽرانسپورٽ ۽ کڻڻ (موبائيل طبي علاج) لاءِ وڌيڪ موزون آهي ان کي ڪلينڪ ۾ رکڻ ۽ کڻڻ لاءِ.

5.Small فائبر ٽپ وارن لاءِ ٺيڪ، ۽ ٿلها وار ۽ وارن جون لائينون، 360 درجا تمام سٺا وار ۽ ننڍن علائقن ۽ وارن جون لائينون ڪري سگھن ٿا.

808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)

FDA، سيء، سرٽيفڪيٽ، ميڊيڪل معيار.

808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (10)

نتيجا ۽ سيشن،
Diode ليزر 808nm، اعلي طاقت مشين.
سٺا نتيجا.
وار گھٽائڻ کي مڪمل ڪرڻ لاءِ 3-4 سيشن گهرجن.
ڊيوڊ ليزر وارن جي گھٽتائي سٺي موٽ.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (16)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (12)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (13)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (14)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (15)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (3)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (5)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (6)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (4)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (7)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (8)

FDA، سيء، سرٽيفڪيٽ، ميڊيڪل معيار.

808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)


Honkon 808nm ڊاءِڊ ليزر مشين، 808Cute، هڪ اعليٰ طاقت وارو ڊاءِڊ ليزر آهي، جيڪو بال هٽائڻ کي تيز ۽ ڪارائتو ڪري سگهي ٿو.اهو جرمني ليزر جو ذريعو اختيار ڪري ٿو جيڪو اعلي توانائي کي يقيني بڻائي سگهي ٿو ۽ پڻ ڊگهي عمر سان.20 سالن جي تجربي سان.Honkon 5000Sets 808Cute ماڊل کان وڌيڪ فراهم ڪري چڪو آهي، اهو سٺو نتيجا ڏئي ٿو ۽ سڄي دنيا ۾ سٺي شهرت حاصل ڪري ٿو.

HONKON برانچ ڊيمو روم

808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)
808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (4)
808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)

HONKON اوورسيز مارڪيٽنگ ۽ سروس ٽيم

808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (3)

HONKON گھربل سروس ۽ مارڪيٽنگ ٽيم

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